Each year volunteers donate their time and skills to help conserve and enhance the special landscape. It’s a great way to make friends, learn new skills, get fit and make a real difference.
There are lots of ways you can volunteer on Cannock Chase, either through the National Landscape team or with our partners. There are roles to suit a range of interests including: helping at events, surveys, practical conservation tasks, welcoming visitors, photography and litter picking.
Volunteer roles with the National Landscapes team
We are currently recruiting for the following roles:
Fixed Point Photography (helping to monitor changes in the character and condition of the landscape of the AONB by taking photographs at specific viewpoints on the Chase, twice a year)
Great War Hut (providing access and a welcome to everyone visiting the Great War hut at Cannock Chase Visitor Centre and telling the story about Cannock Chase during the Great War and what life was like for the recruit soldiers)
Milford Information Hut (providing access to the information hut at Milford Common and a welcome to everyone visiting this popular site and sharing information about Cannock Chase and the National Landscape).
If you want to get involved and would like more information about any of these roles get in touch and leave a message with your contact details. Our email is cannockchase@staffordshire.gov.uk.
Volunteering with our partners
As well as supporting the work of the team, volunteering opportunities are also available with other organisations in and around the AONB. To find out who is currently recruiting follow the links below:
Shugborough Estate, National Trust Volunteer at Shugborough | National Trust
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Volunteering | Staffordshire Wildlife Trust (staffs-wildlife.org.uk)
Staffordshire County Council Rural Access – Staffordshire County Council
Forestry England Volunteering | Forestry England
If you want to get involved and would like more information about any of these roles get in touch and leave a message with your contact details. Our email is cannockchase@staffordshire.gov.uk.