Farming in Protected Landscapes – Funded projects
Projects and locations
The project location map shows projects that have received funding. Applications are open for year four (2024-25).
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See here a summary of all projects up to the end of March 2023.
See here for a summary of all projects April 2023 up to the end of March 2024.

Project reference CC005 – Four Oaks Farm, Penkridge Bank, Rugeley
FiPL grant of £16872.82 over 2021-22 & 2022-23 Management and improvement of hedgerows through gapping, fencing and planting of hedgerow trees. Planting of new hedgerow to connect existing hedgerows. Installation of field gates to improve grazing management. Improvement of small mixed plantations by planting of native trees and shrubs. Establishment of an orchard, secured by post and rail fencing to protect browsing by deer. For more detailed information on this project, please see the Four Oaks farm case study

Project reference CC007 - Beaudesert Park Farm, Upper Longdon
Regenerative farming and rotational grazing. FiPL grant of £11,718.44 over 2022-23 & 2023-24
Creation of 3.64Ha of herbal ley to increase biodiversity and assist in stock health management.
Introduction of rotational grazing with associated infrastructure including bowser, shelters for stock and temporary electric fencing.
This will improve sward management and ensure that species rich grassland is managed effectively.
Beaudesert Park Farm Case Study

Project reference CC018 – Increasing educational access to farms
LEAF Education, Beaudesert Park Farm, Upper Longdon
FiPL grant of £13,016.00 over 2022-23 & 2023-24
Delivery of on farm session for school staff
Post session specific teacher pack linked to event
20 sessions for school classes to learn more about farming and Cannock Chase AONB
Follow up teacher pack after class session
Beaudesert Park Farm case study

Project reference CC021 – Preservation of Castle Ring Iron Age hill fort
Castle Ring, Cannock Wood
FiPL grant of £9,917.60 in 2022-23
Removal of invasive scrub across the Scheduled Ancient Monument to prevent deterioration of the structure.

Project reference CC022 – Improve wildlife habitat and improve water quality
Brook Farm, Chorley
FiPL grant of £19,133.85 in 2022-23
Planting of new hedgerows on old field boundaries to restore the landscape and create and connect habitats.
Plant new hedgerow trees to restore the landscape and create habitats
Protect Maple Brook from stock damage by installation of new fencing.
Install water supply and trough to provide water to stock excluded from Maple Brook.

Project reference CC023 – Hedgerow planting
Walton Coppice, Berkswich
FiPL grant of £10,910.75 in 2022-23
Planting of new hedgerows woodland edge to create and connect habitats

Project reference CC036 – Horsi-culture
Bogmoor Fields near Brocton, FiPL grant of £4944.86 in 2022-23
The horsi culture landscape of much of Cannock Chase and neighbouring land has a great scope for improvement. One successful applicant, Roo, has been planting new hedgerows and several copses on her fields near Brocton and her horses and land are already reaping the benefits. The new hedgerows and fencing are helping Roo to carry out rotational grazing, periodically resting some of her land and gradually improving its condition and herbal diversity. The planting is also slowing down surface run off from rainfall and improving drainage, and wildlife such as song birds and pollinators are benefitting from new habitats.
Roo’s project sets a great example for others to follow and the Fipl team is working with various equine establishments including Livery yards, Riding Centres, Racing Yards as well as private land owners and tenants.