Good Lighting Guide

The Cannock Chase National Landscape Partnership is seeking your support to reduce light pollution to protect and improve the dark skies above Cannock Chase.  Artificial lighting introduces a suburban feel and erodes the natural beauty of our nationally important landscape.  It also has adverse impacts on our health and wellbeing, wildlife behaviour, as well as wasting resources.

The Good Lighting Guide demonstrates how simple changes to the way we light our homes, businesses and neighbourhoods can have big impacts.  We are urging all Local Planning Authorities in the area, as well as parish councils, householders, businesses and landowners to read the Guide and curb the spread of unnecessary artificial light – both within the designated area as well as from the surrounding conurbations.

The guidance supports the vision and objectives of the statutory Cannock Chase AONB Management Plan – a material consideration for public authorities when taking into account the potential effects of their decisions and activities on the AONB.

More information on Dark Skies can be found here.

Download the Good Lighting Guide.